Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Favorite Room

Mohammed Al Herz
Intermediate 1 R/W
                                There are a lot of interesting things in my room . You can find a lot of scientific books on the left  also you can find a big hard disk for my computer on the right . It is a new , and it has an annoying sound . Between my books and my hard disk there is my desktop which is my favorite thing in my room also I requested a new hard disk for my desk top because I need more space  to download more files , but the hard disk did not reach yet
  . Beside my books there is a big bed ,and it is old . There is a small office behind my hard disk and there are  many things on the top of my small office . For example , I have a small lodge it is a souvenir from Japan . It is old , wooden , dirty , and has a bad smell .  In the end, I think I have a good room 
because I can find everything I need in my room .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

College Education

Mohammed Al Herz
Intermediate 1 R/W

 A college education is important for a lot of reasons, I will explain some of them . First, it is important to get a good job because companies looking for college students for example if you and your friend graduated from high school and your friend went to work in company but you continued your education in a college when you graduated from the college usually you will get a job better than his job. Scound it is a great way to be an educated person that shows your knowledge level . Also, the college is good way to meet new people on your life, where can be more valuable than the degree itself for example now I am studying at Arizona State University in the United States . Before I came to this university . I didn`t know anything about Chinese culture , but now I now a lot of things about Chinese culture because I have friends from china . Third receiving a university certificate makes graduates prepared for a professional career. University courses are made so graduates can easily connect to others to help them succeed in their career. Students attending universities usually specialize in one major but will take classes in other areas to get their certificate. For example, students have classes in art, foreign languages and science.  Another benefit to this type of education is that students may change their interests and majors, then get a better career. in the end  I think a college education is one of the most important things in this world .  

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Favorite Travel

Mohammed Al Herz 
Intermediate 1 R/W 

                             My  favorite  travel  which was to Indonesia . I went to Indonesia with my father . First we went to Jakarta . Jakarta is a modern city which has a lot of skyscraper and we stayed in a five star hotel with tow big bedroom . Then we went to the Indonesia's mount , and we stayed there about ten days Ten days . Those were the best ten days in my life because the nature was amazing  with pure air it like was a dream. Also there were a lot of swamps but the temperature was very hot there so we couldn`t stay there more than ten days . After that we went to city called Jak Jakarta and , we stied there about one week , there is the biggest Buddhist temple . The temples was Built between 750 and 842 AD many proverbs are written on the walls of the temple . Each wall has one. we rented a guide to support us to explain what is wrote on each wall . Actually  i didn`t  like this city . Finally we come back to our country , and we told them what is happened to us in our travel. and I think you should go to Indonesia  if you didn`t go there before .